API Elements Description

Element Name Description Possible Values
allowToOperate Indicates is a carrier is allowed to operate by law. Y or N
outOfService Carrier received out of service order and is not allowed to operate Y or N
outOfServiceDate The date the carrier recieved out of service order MM/DD/YYYY
complaintCount Number of customer complaints about the carrier received by FMCSA Number
dotNumber U.S. DOT registered number for the carrier Number
mcNumber U.S. DOT registered motor carrier number for the carrier Number
legalName Legal registered name of the carrier String
dbaName Alternative operating name of the carrier String
busVehicle Number of school buses a carrier operates Number
limoVehicle Number of limousines a carrier operates Number
miniBusVehicle Number of mini-buses a carrier operates Number
motorCoachVehicle Number of motorcoaches a carrier operates Number
vanVehicle Total number of van vehicles a carrier operates Number
passengerVehicle Total number of vehicles a carrier operates Number
phyStreet Carrier listed Street Address String
phyCity Carrier listed City String
phyState Carrier listed State String
phyZip Carrier listed Zip-Code String
phyCountry Carrier listed Country String
telephone Carrier listed Telephone String

Carrier BASIC Measure JSON elements

These elements are returned in response to a BASICs query. See the QCMobile API page for info on BASIC query endpoints.

Element Name Description Possible Values
basicShortDesc Short Description of a BASIC String
basicId Numerical code of a BASIC Number
basicDesc Long Description of a BASIC String
percentile On-Road performance BASIC percentile percentage(%) value
no violations
insufficient data
rdDeficient On-Road performance threshold violation indicator Y or N
rdsvDeficient Indicates a carrier exceeded FMCSA intervention threshold value Y or N
svDeficient Indicates serious violation cited within the last 12 months from an investigation Y or N
snapShotDate Indicates last update of BASIC data MM/DD/YYYY
totalInspectionWithViolation Number of relevant inspections with BASIC violation in the past 24 months Number
totalViolation Total number of BASIC violation past 24 months Number


  • Elements only appear if they have value. Therefore only elements applicable to the carrier are generated
  • Some elements are mutually exclusive and may not appear together. For example if allowToOperate = Y, outOfServiceDate does not have value
  • Unsafe Driving, Driver Fitness, Fatigued Driving, Controlled Substance/Alcohol and Vehicle Maintenance are the only reported BASIC
  • For information regarding BASIC elements please, visit FMCSA CSA (Compliance, Safety, Accountability)
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